Help your Y5 and Y6 children to become experts at journalistic writing by letting them use these newspaper word mats when writing newspaper reports. A powerpoint presentation that highlights the important points when writing a newspaper report.

How to write a news article. Writing newspaper articles ks3 english. A magazine a website certain sections of a newspaper NB an article is different to a news report An article is a piece of writing. This exercise will go into the journal section of the Writers Notebook if you just made a quick draft or in the Writing section of your Writers Notebook if.

Writing a newspaper article ks3 tes.

Writing A Newspaper Article Ks3 Tes

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So, You Need to Write a Newspaper Article for KS3? Let’s Get Real.

Cracking the Code: Understanding the Basics

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. Writing a newspaper article for those KS3 tests? It’s not just about throwing words on paper. It’s about telling a story, a story that grabs attention and makes sense. Think of it like being a detective, but instead of solving a crime, you’re solving the puzzle of how to get your point across clearly. You’re not just reciting facts; you’re making them interesting. Ever tried to explain a complicated joke to someone who just doesn’t get it? That’s kinda what we’re avoiding here. We want everyone to get it, straight away.

First off, that headline? It’s your handshake. It’s the first thing people see, so make it count. Don’t be afraid to be a bit punchy. Think short, think snappy. You know, like those clickbait headlines, but, you know, actually good. You’re trying to say, “Hey, this is worth your time!” without actually saying it. Like, “Local Cat Saves Day!” is way better than “A Cat Did Something Interesting.” Right?

Now, the layout. Imagine you’re building a sandwich. You wouldn’t put the lettuce on top, would you? Start with the good stuff, the main point, right at the beginning. Then, fill in the details. It’s like, “Boom! Here’s what happened,” then “Here’s how it happened,” and then “Here’s why it matters.” Keep it simple. No one wants to read a novel when they’re trying to figure out what’s going on. We’re aiming for “easy to digest” here.

And for goodness sake, talk like a human! No one wants to read something that sounds like a robot wrote it. Use normal words, short sentences. You know, like how you talk to your friends. Unless you talk to your friends like a robot, then, well, maybe we need to work on that. Just be clear, be direct, and don’t try to show off with fancy words. We’re not trying to win a poetry contest here, just get the message out.

Getting Your Journalist On: The Style Thing

Making it Sound Like News (But Not Boring)

Okay, so you want to sound like a real journalist, right? That means being professional, but not stuffy. Think of it as wearing a suit, but with cool sneakers. You’re still dressed up, but you’re not trying too hard. Keep it formal, but keep it real. No “lol”s or “omg”s. We’re better than that.

You need to persuade people, but not like you’re selling them something. You’re telling them why this story matters. Use words that make things sound important, but don’t go overboard. You know, like “significant” instead of “really big.” It’s all about finding that sweet spot between boring and over the top. You want people to think, “Wow, this is important,” not “Wow, this person is trying too hard.”

And hey, get your facts straight. Double-check everything. If you’re wrong, people will notice, and you’ll look silly. Imagine telling everyone you saw a unicorn, and then it turns out it was just a horse with a cone on its head. Yeah, not a good look. So, double-check, triple-check, and then check again. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

Also, try to stay neutral. Don’t let your own opinions sneak in. You’re the reporter, not the judge. Just tell the story, and let people decide what they think. It’s like being a referee in a game. You call the fouls, you don’t pick the winner. It’s hard, especially when you have strong feelings, but it’s part of the job.

The Sandwich Method: Structuring Your Story

Keeping it Organized, Like Your Room (Hopefully)

Remember that sandwich? Well, here’s how to build it. The most important stuff goes at the top, like the meat and cheese. You want people to get the main idea right away. Imagine you’re telling a friend about something exciting. You wouldn’t start with the weather, would you? You’d jump right into the action. That’s what we’re doing here.

The first paragraph is your “hook.” It’s what gets people interested. Tell them who, what, when, where, and why, all in one go. It’s like giving them a sneak peek of the movie. You want them to think, “I need to know more!” So, make it good.

Then, you add the details, like the lettuce and tomatoes. Each paragraph should add to the story, like building blocks. Don’t jump around. Keep it logical. One thing leads to another. It’s like following a recipe. You wouldn’t mix the ingredients out of order, would you?

And when you’re done, wrap it up nicely. Give people a quick reminder of what you just told them. Don’t add anything new. It’s like saying “The End” after a movie. You’re letting people know it’s over, and they can go get popcorn now. Just a quick recap, and you’re done. Simple.

Making it Lively: Adding Some Spice

Quotes and Little Stories: Making it Real

Quotes are like adding salt to your food. They make it taste better. Get some real people to say something. It makes the story more believable. It’s like hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth. Or, you know, whoever’s mouth. Just make sure they’re good quotes, not just “Yeah, it was okay.”

Little stories, or anecdotes, are like adding a secret ingredient. They make the story more interesting. Think of them as mini-movies within your article. They add a human touch and make people care. It’s like, “And then, this crazy thing happened…” and suddenly, everyone’s listening.

But, make sure they fit. Don’t just throw in random quotes or stories. They need to make sense and add to the main point. And make sure they’re true. No made-up stuff, please. It’s all about keeping it real.

And don’t go overboard. Too many quotes or stories can make the article confusing. Use them wisely, like a chef using spices. Just enough to make it interesting, but not so much that it’s overwhelming. It’s about finding that balance.

Getting Seen: The Internet Thing

Making Google Your Friend

Okay, so you want people to actually read your article, right? That means making Google happy. Use the right words, the ones people are actually searching for. It’s like speaking their language. If you’re writing about cats, use the word “cats.” Simple, right?

Make sure your article is good. Google likes good stuff. It’s like a picky eater. If it’s not tasty, they won’t eat it. So, write well, check your facts, and make it interesting. Google will notice.

And make sure it works on phones. Most people read stuff on their phones these days. If your article is hard to read on a phone, people will just give up. It’s like trying to read a book while riding a rollercoaster. Not fun. So, keep it mobile-friendly.

Don’t forget about the pictures! Use good ones, and add descriptions to them, so Google knows what they are. Also, link to other good articles, and make sure people can link back to you. It’s like being friendly with your neighbors. The more friends you have, the better.


Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: How do I write a headline that doesn’t suck?

A: Keep it short, use action words, and make it interesting. Think of it like a movie trailer. You want people to want to see the movie.

Q: What’s this “inverted pyramid” thing?

A: It’s just a fancy way of saying “put the important stuff first.” Like, if you’re telling someone about a fire, you wouldn’t start with what you had for breakfast, right?

Q: How do I make sure people actually read my article?

A: Make it interesting, use the right words, and make it easy to read on phones. And, you know, make sure it’s actually good. Google likes good stuff.

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Tes classic free licence. This Revision Bite will give you ideas about what to do if you choose to write a newspaper report in the exam. Write three questions you would like to ask the journalist or an expert on the topic. We hope you enjoyed learning about writing a newspaper article and creating a news report.

Lesson complete 46 5 reviews. Write your report in the third person and the past tense. There is a danger of putting students off reading newspapers if articles are used in the same way as course books with tedious comprehension activities.

Here are a few places where you might expect to find an article. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England Company No 02017289 with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ. This primary resource pack contains Newspaper articles writing mat These sheets contain a list of newspaper article success criteria as well as useful phrases vocabulary and newspaper idioms.

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In this lesson students will. Newspaper report example ks2 tes. The first paragraph should contain all of the 5Ws – what where when who and why. Add a headline a picture your article and an About the Author section.

A lovely lesson based on the topic of female pop stars. Writing a newspaper report ks2 planning and resources this lesson pack is designed to help ks2 pupils learn more about how to write a newspaper report children will learn that the purpose of a newspaper is to inform. They could watch a series of news items and identify the 5 Ws for each article.

It focuses on creating story looking at pivotal moments exploring character and feelings reporting representing and recording news items. Ppt 835 KB. These are resources that I used with my year eight classes.

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Creative Commons Sharealike Reviews. The scheme is presented as. Typically news reports found in newspapers or online with a purpose to inform readers of what is happening in the world around them. Pptx 54 MB.

Assignments in the Standard Grade writing paper usually ask you to write an article for your local newspaper. In the first sentence sum up what the story is about. Writing a newspaper article ks3 maths.

Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. This Revision Bite will give you ideas about what to do if you choose to write a newspaper report in the exam. They tell readers about events that have been happening in their local area or national or international news.

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Beyonds Writing A Newspaper Headline KS3 lesson details the art of writing a catchy headline the techniques newspapers often employ and the differences between broadsheet and tabloid publications. Make your headline short and snappy. To write a newspaper report. Writing style in newspaper articles.

During this lesson students will. Newspaper articles writing plan This sheet allows children to plan out their. Our very own beyond version of a ks3 newspaper.

Use the newspaper writing template to write your story. Teach Year 5 and Year 6 children how to write effective and engaging newspaper stories with this KS2 text types resource pack. They tell readers about events that have been happening in their local area or national or international news.

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Writing to inform and explain – structure. Have fun with this new form of non-fiction writing in class and discover lots of handy tips for writing a newspaper report. Add to My Bitesize. Writing an Article.

Whenever you are asked to write a text in a certain style it helps to have read plenty of style models beforehand. News Magazine Subscriptions Payments. Headling writing is an important skill when it comes to selling newspapers and informing readers at a glance.

News Magazine Subscriptions Payments. This unit of work lets KS2 pupils use drama to explore the stories behind newspaper headlines. Pupils could make cubes Dice from paper or card and on each side write a linking word or phrase they could then.

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Each paragraph should give more detail about the. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England Company No 02017289 with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4HQ. Identify the conventions of writing a newspaper article.

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